The New Hippocratic oath (2010 AD)
I promise that my medical knowledge will be used to benefit people’s health.Patients are my first concern.
I will listen to them, and provide the best care I can.
I will be honest, respectful, and compassionate towards all.
I will do my best to help anyone in medical need, in emergencies.
I will make every effort to ensure the rights of all patients are respected, including vulnerable groups who lack of making their needs known.
I will exercise my professional judgment, uninfluenced by political or religious pressure, or the age, race, sexual orientation, social class, wealth, or celebrity of my patient. I will not put profit or my own career above my duty to patient.
I recognize the special value of human life, but I also know that prolonging life is not the only aim of health care. If I agree to perform abortion, I agree it should take place only within an ethical and legal context.
I will not provide treatments that are pointless or harmful, or which an informed and competent patient refuses.
I will help patients find the information and support they want to make decisions on their care.
I will be as truthful as I can, and respect patients’ decisions, unless that puts others at risk of substantial harm. If I cannot agree with teir requests, I will explain why.
If my patient has limited mental awareness, I will still encourage him or her to participate in decisions as much as they feel able.
I will do my best to maintain confidentiality about all patients.
If there are overriding reasons preventing my keeping a patient’s confidentiality I will explain them. I will recognize the limits of my knowledge and seek advice from colleagues as needed.
I will do my best to keep my self and my colleagues informed of new developments, and ensure that poor standards or bad practices are exposed to those who can improve them.
I will show respect for all those with whom I work and be ready to share my knowledge by teaching others what I know. I will use my training and professional standing to improve the community which I work.
I will respect each of my roles, as expert, communicator, scholar, partner, manager, teacher, professional, and health advocate. I will promote fair use of health resources and try to influence positively those whose policies harm public health.
I recognise that I have responsibilities to humankind that transcend diktats and orders of States, and which no Legislature can countermand. I will oppose health policies that breach internationally accepted standards of human rights.
I will learn from my mistakes and seek help from colleagues to promote patient safety. While keeping within this framework, I will not be discouraged by failure, and will try to continue in a spirit of practical and rational optimism.
While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the Art, respected by all, in all times.
Sumpah Dokter Indonesia
Demi Allah, saya bersumpah bahwa :Saya akan membaktikan hidup saya guna kepentingan perikemanusiaan;
Saya akan memberikan kepada guru-guru saya penghormatan dan pernyataan terima kasih yang selayaknya;
Saya akan menjalankan tugas saya dengan cara yang berhormat dan bermoral tinggi, sesuai dengan martabat pekerjaan saya;
Kesehatan penderita senantiasa akan saya utamakan;
Saya akan merahasiakan segala sesuatu yang saya ketahui karena pekerja an saya dan karena keilmuan saya sebagai dokter;
Saya akan memelihara dengan sekuat tenaga martabat dan tradisi luhur jabatan kedokteran;
Saya akan memperlakukan teman sejawat saya sebagai mana saya sendiri ingin diperlakukan;
Dalam menunaikan kewajiban terhadap penderita, saya akan berikhtiar dengan sungguh-sungguh supaya saya tidak terpengaruh oleh pertimbang an keagamaan, kebangsaan, kesukuan, politik kepartaian atau kedudukan sosial;
Saya akan menghormati setiap hidup insani mulai dari saat pembuahan;
Sekalipun diancam, saya tidak akan mempergunakan pengetahuan kedokteran saya untuk sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan hukum perikemanusiaan;
Saya ikrarkan sumpah ini dengan sungguh-sungguh dan dengan mempertaruhkan kehormatan diri saya.
Dapatkah saya mengumandangkan sumpah ini? Insya Allah, Doakan ya agar saya punya kesempatan untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
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